Our Erasmus+ project Hello Teenager! aims to develop the social skills of our pupils and school staff.
During the project period we will be working on the topic "wellbeing" at all partner schools. We want to make our schools to more caring and safer places to learn.
Many pupils suffer from stress and anxiety and they feel overwhelmed with all the demands and expectations at school and in their freetime. During the project period we want to promote the messages "You're enough" and "When you're doing your best, that's enough".
We want to teach our pupils how to deal with stress and other mental issues by teaching them how to look after own mental health. We also want to teach school staff how to face the wellbeing issues and how to give every pupil the feeling of importance and respect.
Taking care of pupils' wellbeing is the job of each staff member
It's about paying more attention to the pupils and to support all of them, to notice everybody and to encounter teenagers, opening the dialogue with an teenager by looking the teenager in the eyes and simply saying "Hello! How are you doing?" This is what the young people of today need, someone reliable to talk to and someone who listens to and shows caring.
There are a bunch of very social and active pupils in every school. These pupils are members of school board, youth parliament etc. Still, according to the school health surveys there are many pupils who feel that they are left out of decision making and that's why they don't participate. According to the school health surveys especially boys seem to be more passive. They don't want to participate in school activities. We want to work on this issue together and find new ways to make everybody involved in the school activities and international project work.
We want our pupils to become more active inside own school and hometown as well as more active European citizens. Taking care of pupils' wellbeing is the job of each staff member. All teachers need to do something to increase the wellbeing of pupils. We will build a group of students who will become wellbeing agents. They'll regularly organize wellbeing moments during the school days in collaboration with subject teachers.