Wellbeing agents
Who are wellbeing agents?
In the beginning of our project period we offered all the students the possibility to join a group of students and to become a wellbeing agent.
The agents are pupils who are interested in the project topics "wellbeing of pupils" and "sustainable lifestyle".
All the pupils who are interested can apply to become a wellbeing agent in the beginning of project period. Each school chooses a suitable amount of pupils as agents depending on the size of the school and the amount of interested pupils.
The agents collaborate with the contact teachers and with other agents via eTwinning. All the activities of well being agents are small activities that are easy to carry out in the daily school life. Something small, but still useful in order to increase the wellbeing of all pupils.
Wellbeing agents work as a link between the Erasmus+ team members and other pupils of the school during the project period. Wellbeing agents take part in Erasmus+ team members' meetings and they will take care of the project marketing together with wellbeing agents and Erasmus+ team members in other project partner schools.
The main idea is to develop the working culture of each partner school in a way that the wellbeing of pupils will be paid more attention than before and in a way that pupils become active participants in the development work of each partner school. The wellbeing agents will continue working after the end of the project period. Wellbeing agents will become a permanent part of the school community.
What do wellbeing agents do?
Wellbeing agents organize regularly wellbeing moments during the school days in collaboration with subject teachers. Wellbeing agents teach other pupils about the great importance of healthy eating habits, sleep, sports and other hobbies and time spent with friends and own family.
Wellbeing agents share monthly their ideas for wellbeing moments as well as their ideas how to make their own school more sustainable. The partner schools communicate via emails, WhatsApp group and eTwinning.
Erasmus+ teams and wellbeing agents are together responsible for the promotional work of the project. The project Twinspace will be utilized in the production prosess of our project's final product "Sustainable lifestyle for teenagers" guide which will include video material and other online material for teenagers and schools.
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